Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Burger at Paul's

A burger review is a funny way to start a cooking blog...but my food life is made up of eating out, ordering in and cooking a lot so I'm going to try to chronicle what I like, what I hate, what I do well and what I need help figuring out from all of those experiences.

Tonight I didn't cook, instead I feasted on a fine burger from Paul's Place on Second Avenue and St. Mark's in NYC.

The burger was good, although the English Muffin not over sized making it difficult to eat the 8oz patty. The fries were slightly soggy but the brown gravy rich and yummy and together a perfect bite.

In the end it was a noteworthy burger but what really made Paul's standout is the large bowl of pickles waiting on each table, a tong and spare plate invites diners to help themselves even before the drinks are ordered. A yummy way to start any meal, these pickle chips were perfectly sour with a good crisp and made it a place to revisit...

At 6pm we had our choice of tables but the greasy inexpensive bites are the kind that will form a line later in the night as happy hours come to an end. Visit once to make sure you taste one of the city's better burgers (I didn't say the best).

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