This summer's cocktail of choice when I'm not seeking the opportunity to drink my friend Juno's Basil and Lemon Vodka Gimlet (I'll pursuade her to sed along the recipe) is something not quite as intoxicating but yummy and refreshing during hot summer days:
Lemon and Lime Seltzer served over Ice
Splash of Lemon Juice
Three sprigs of fresh mint
Lemon Wedge
While I make this virgin drink each night to cool wouldn't be a bad addition when it's a Friday!
If not too much vodka is added on Friday night...Bloody Mary's are a great drink to serve over bagels before heading to the beach with friends. Here's what I throw in mine:

2 Shots of Vodka
Fill Glass with Tomato Juice (I don't like V8 for this...tomato juice is a bit thicker)
Juice of half a lemon
This is where instead of sticking by just one recipe I've brought together a whole bunch...leave out ingredients that you don't have on hand.
-Salt and Pepper
-Spoonful of Horseradish (less if your taste buds are sensitive)
-Four drops Worcester Sauce
-A few splashes of Tabasco Sauce
-Celery Salt or Old Bay Seasoning (what ever you have on hand)
-A splash of the juice from the olive jar or pickle jar
Garnishes vary...
Pickled Green beans (I ordered mine off Amazon after a few glasses of wine but I think you can hunt down at the market)
A small dill pickle
Paper Umbrella (it's festive for a beach day!)
All your veggies and a nice start to Saturday morning! Cheers.